(858) 966-4011 chadwickcenter@rchsd.org

Kids and Teens in Court Program

The support a child victim receives through the legal process can have a positive impact on the child’s recovery.  Since 1987, the Kids and Teens in Court (KTIC) Program has supported child and teen victims, and witnesses, who may need to testify in criminal or juvenile court.

The program assists youth ages 4-17 years old and their non-offending caregivers for the courtroom experience by:

  1. Teaching relaxation skills
  2. Providing education about the court process and their rights 
  3. Introducing the courtroom and offering an opportunity to participate in a mock trial

The goal of the KTIC Program is to increase children’s ability to competently and effectively participate in the courtroom experience by decreasing their anxiety, which also improves and ensures the efficacy of the judicial process.  Specific cases (and details related to cases) are never talked about during the program because it is a non-biased, court preparatory program.


Program Coordinator: Leslie Peterson, LCSW

For questions or to make a referral:

Phone: (858) 966-8682
KTIC Electronic Referral Form

Mailing Address:
3020 Children’s Way, MC 5016
San Diego, CA 92123